Medical staffing recruiting is a fluid, dynamic event. It is a constant flowing movement that requires experience, fast response, involved management and an active understanding of human needs or at-least the perception of those needs.
Medical staffing recruiting is like a chess game, you must anticipate your opponents moves, be willing to sacrifice if need be and have the insight to foresee possible errors in judgement.
A good medical staffing company is able to provide a candidate to a facility in as little as 8-hour notice. How is this possible$%: Its not a logistical nightmare and It is not impossible. It requires planning, ingenuity and a realistic approach to your needs.
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Let me explain:
For the sake of this example we will assume you have several contracts with several employees working for you at this time.
Decide to hire one employee full time (Guaranteed 40 hours). Explain to the employee that the guaranteed 40 hours are subject to variation, in other words the shifts may vary, the days may vary but at the end of the week he/she will have the 40 hours.
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You now have a ready available employee. If a call comes in at 10pm for a late call you simply call your employee, redirect him/her to the facility. You then spend the next day looking for a replacement. You want to make sure you keep your full time employee constantly moving and readily available. Do not commit your full time employee just yet to one site alone. This employee is your image foundation and is how your reputation will be built on efficiency and quick time response.
This is just one example of what I call Medical Recruiting Dynamics. Medical recruiting is a chess game, but you must be careful how you move your ponds because your clients will quickly wise up to what you are doing. It can backfire if not done correctly. If done correctly your growth will expand ten fold within a short period of time.
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Undergoing growth is the fundamental necessity of business. If you continue doing business the way you are today and not change a thing, you will be out of business in less than 3 years.
Medical Recruiting Dynamics is all about change and using the change to your advantage in recruiting. It also holds true for Business Development Dynamics, Operation Dynamics, Sales Dynamics and Management Dynamics.
Dynamics is what can take you from a fleeting medical staffing company to a multi-million dollar medical staffing powerhouse.