Offensive basketball has evolved greatly from the game's infant days in the 40's and 50's. Creating an offense takes time and creativity. It also must include provisions for the kind of players on your team and their talents. A good coach puts each player in positions on the floor where they can be successful. Many times being successful does not mean scoring points. Each player has a unique set of skills. If these skills are maximized, the end result will be a well-oiled offensive machine.
Choosing which kind of offense is right for you as a coach deserves your full attention. The offense you rely on will partially determine the success of your team. Motion offense allows for great flexibility while putting great pressure on the defense.
My coaching experiences with motion offense has grown from time spent with great coaches. Lute Olson, Gary Garner, Rich Glas, Kevin O'Neill, Dan Hipsher, Tim Floyd, and Larry Eustachy. Each introduced new and productive ideas to motion offense. Joby Wright, a former player and assistant coach for Indiana's Bob Knight, taught me more about "true" five-man motion than anyone. My experiences with these coaches has been priceless, and has allowed me to introduce these 15 advantages of motion offense.
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Why Motion$%:
1. Motion allows for creativity and imagination. Keeps offense from being stagnant and boring.
2. Motion allows intelligence to be an asset. Players with high basketball IQ excel in motion.
3. Motion incorporates and emphasizes solid fundamentals. Triple threat skills are key.
4. Motion allows you to persevere over the opponent with patience. Defenses break down quickly, especially in high school with no shot clock.
5. Motion provides for excellent shot selection and increased FG %.
6. Motion is totally unpredictable and each possession is unique. The "Snowflake theory" states that no two possessions are ever alike.
7. Motion is impossible to scout because each possession is different.
8. Motion wears opponents down defensively, leading to unproductive offense. By making your opponent guard motion, they are less able to score on the other end.
9. Motion asks, "Who wants to guard motion for 20-35 seconds a possession$%:" The answer is everyone you play!
10. Motion allows you to win the mental war on the floor. Winning the mental game is a characteristic of good team in all sports, at any level.
11. Motion is unique and challenging to teach, and will keep the coach sharp. Coaches must continue to stretch themselves by learning new concepts and ways to play.
12. Motion makes you defense better everyday. Since motion is the most difficult offense to defend, your team improves defensively each night out.
13. Motion creates increased free throw attempts. Motion teams win from the line consistently.
14. Motion is like a lump of clay, you can mold it to fit your personality. Flexibility to change as day to day situations occur with your team.
15. Motion can be run effectively against zones. Team one offense instead of 5 or 6.